High purity, ultra-low footprint and affordable non-contested water in off-grid, arid locations.

Airvoda provides off-grid water in arid environments while simultaneously reducing the overall balance-of-plant and environmental footprint of conventional water sources.

The Problem

Water for Remote Mining Sites

The challenges associated with getting water to remote regions of Australia are intimately tied to the regulatory and social license challenges that accompany accessing contested water sources and/or the laying of the associated infrastructure such as pipes and pumping stations.

In many cases, water is trucked in at huge cost as there is often no excess water for new activities after allowing for existing human, agricultural and environmental uses.



Airvoda for Off-Grid Water

A vast amount of water is naturally present in the atmosphere and available for capture. For example, the amount of water in the atmosphere above Australia is estimated to be greater than Australia’s cumulative dammed freshwater capacity.

Airvoda’s containerised atmospheric water extraction systems efficiently removes the water-from-the-air, even in low dewpoint environments.

The Opportunity

  • Airvoda ensures reliable access to water - anywhere.

  • Airvoda’s water extraction systems efficiently have a reduced environmental and geographic footprint.

  • Less bureaucracy; total control of your water supply.

Want to learn more?

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