High purity, ultra-low footprint and affordable water for Green Hydrogen Production

Airvoda provides cost-neutral water for hydrogen production, while simultaneously reducing overall water requirements and eliminating the carbon, environmental and social footprint of conventional water sources.  

The Problem

Water for Hydrogen

Making ‘green’ hydrogen from high-purity water using renewables typically involves a lot of effort and infrastructure. Further, most regions that have abundant renewables have limited water resources or have no excess water for green hydrogen after allowing for existing human, agricultural and environmental uses.



Airvoda for Hydrogen

Electrolysers use large quantities of electricity to split water into hydrogen and oxygen. For every kg of hydrogen generated, up to 10kWhrs of this energy is lost as waste heat. The excess heat must be removed and managed.

Using innovative technology (MOF desiccant and an optimised air circuit), Airvoda harnesses this waste heat for re-use in the atmospheric water extraction process. This greatly reduces the expensive power demands of the plant coolers for the electrolyser and markedly reduces the cost of demineralised water.

The Opportunity

  • The Asian Renewable Energy Hub will produce 5000 ton of hydrogen/day, requiring ~50,000 kL water/day. In a typical case, this volume could be addressed with ~2,500 Airvoda modules and would require 6,000 MWh/day.

  • The hub will have 26 GW of combined solar and wind power generating capacity and therefore the Airvoda modules would consume 2-3% of the hub’s peak capacity. At 6500 sq km, the sheer scale of the hub means water logistics will represent a major investment.

  • Airvoda’s CAPEX outlay is highly competitive with desalination, but without the significant complications of requiring a coastal co-location, long brine pipelines, adverse environmental impacts from toxic discharge, planning and permits.

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